What is Recommend.my?

Recommend.my is a home services website in Malaysia. Visit Recommend.my

Every day, thousands of people visit Recommend.my to request for home improvement quotes, book instant home repair services, view project photos, read customer testimonials, and get advice and useful tips.

If you provide home improvement services, you can add your business to Recommend.my to get more sales leads. Add your business to Recommend.my


What services are available on Recommend.my?

Some of the services available include:


  • Renovation
  • Interior design
  • Cabinets / wardrobe / kitchen
  • Roofing
  • Flooring
  • Curtains / blinds
  • Window and door grilles
  • and more


  • Aircon servicing
  • Sofa and mattress cleaning
  • Movers
  • Carpet cleaning
  • Handyman
  • Electrician
  • Plumber
  • and more


  • Catering
  • Photographer
  • Videographer
  • Cake maker
  • Party planner
  • Make up artist
  • and more

Why should I add my business to Recommend.my?

Our website receives hundreds of job requests from customers every week. These are customers who have bought a new home, or want to upgrade their existing home, or need repairs and maintenance, or are getting married, or want to plan a party. The list goes on.

If you join Recommend.my, you have the chance to respond to these job requests, and turn the lead into a new customer.

You will also get exposure to thousands of website visitors every week through project photos, directory listing, articles, videos and more.

What do I get if I join Recommend.my?

When you create your free business page on Recommend.my, you automatically get the following features:

  • Collect customer reviews and testimonials
  • Create project albums and upload photos of your work
  • Collect payment online for your work. No need for cash or cheques!
  • A special “PRO dashboard” page where you can see new customer requests and choose which one you want to quote for
  • A mobile app you can install on your Android or iPhone

How do I get started?

  1. Create your free business page on Recommend.my. Details
  2. Send us your business documents for verification. Details
  3. Add more details to your business page. Details

Once your business documents have been validated, you can start checking for new job requests, and respond to the ones you are interested in. Details
