An “Autobook” request is a type of customer request where the customer has agreed to share their contact details with any pro that submits a quote.
How Autobook works
When the customer is filling in a request for a service, they have the option that says “Pros can call me directly” (see image below).

When a customer submits a request, and agrees to “Pros can call me directly”, this is an Autobook request.
What happens when I quote for an Autobook request?
When you quote for an Autobook request, you will see the customer’s telephone number immediately. How to submit quote
When you submit your quote, we will deduct Recommend Credits. But, the credit amount deducted is LOWER than normal requests, so you save more. What are Recommend Credits
Note: The contact details will only be shown automatically to the FIRST THREE PROS who quote. If you are not one of the first four quotes, you will only see the customer contact if the customer replies to you, or clicks your phone number. And your Recommend Credits will only be deducted at that point. However, if you are a preferred pro, you will be deducted upon quoting.
How to get AUTOBOOK requests
To see new Autobook requests, just check your PRO dashboard as normal.
If a customer has recently requested for a service and agreed for the service to be Autobook, it will appear in your list of open jobs with the “Autobook” label.

Why should I quote for autobook jobs?
With Autobook, you can call the customer faster to increase your chances of closing the deal. And, autobook requests cost less credits to quote.
Do I need to pay more credits to get the customer contact immediately?
No, you will not be charged more credits. In fact, we are making the credit price LOWER when quoting an autobook request.
But, if you quote for an autobook job, we will deduct the credit amount immediately upon quoting.