How to appear in our pro directory as a FEATURED LISTING

The website contains a section called “Pro Directory“. This section is a directory of all our top contractors, grouped by the type of service and the location.

Some examples include:

1) The best renovation contractors in KL/Selangor

2) The best handyman contractors in Cheras

3) The best photographers in Malaysia

How do we rank the contractors into this list?

We rank our contractors using several metrics including quality of work, value, response time, service levels, and more.

That means that our directory of top pros is constantly-changing, and more accurately reflects the capabilities of the pro. For example, If they recently receive some five-star reviews, their ranking may increase. But if they are busy with many jobs, their response time will decrease and they may go down the list.

You can also make your business a “FEATURED LISTING”

Featured listing is a powerful way to get more customers fast.

When you activate “featured listing” for your business profile, you will appear higher at the top of our business directory pages in your service category.

Above: Example of a featured listing in our business directory

How to activate “featured listing” for your business

“Featured listing” is awarded to high-performing business profiles. Contact our team to learn more about getting “featured listing” for your business profile.
