How to add a business profile on Recommend

Want to join as a service professional? Then you need a business listing.

To create your business listing on, the first you need to do is sign up for an account.

STEP 1: Visit and click on the “SIGN UP” button.

You will then receive an activation email to complete the sign up process.

Once you have completed the sign up process and logged, you can create a business profile by clicking on your username and “Create Business Profile” (see below).

STEP 2: Confirm your email address

We will send you an email containing an activation link. You must click it to activate your email before you can proceed to the next step

STEP 3: After confirming your email, click “Create Business”

STEP 4: Fill in your business details

In the create business profile” form, you should add as much details as you can; tell people about your business services, add your logo, show some photos of your work, and list your services.

STEP 5: Upload your business documents (IMPORTANT)

Before you can start quoting for jobs, you must upload your business documents for us to check.

At the bottom of the “Create new business profile” form, there is a section called “Business Validation Check”. Please submit the necessary documents. This is normally your business registration document (SSM)

  • If you are a freelancer and do not have a SSM document, you can submit a copy of your IC
  • If you are an interior designer or renovation contractor, make sure you submit your CIDB too.

 When you are satisfied with the profile, save it to publish it.

Once we have verified your business profile, will be able to start quoting for new jobs.
